Answer of Troll Face Quest Internet Memes Level 21 22 23 24 25 Solution – step by step escape guide how to solve each stage puzzle niveau using correct way to trick the troll face quest answer !
прохождение Troll Face Quest Internet Memes by Spil Games on android and ios iphone
troll face quest internet memes level 21 walkthrough
tap and hold the atm card to squish it
now tap the man to zoom in and win the game
troll face quest internet memes level 22 walkthrough
swipe the screen to left from right
a tall man will pop out, and when he stop near tree you need to quickly swipe to left
you will see a basketball ring, tap it to throw the man and win
troll face quest internet memes level 23 walkthrough
swipe down the man, then tap him twice
troll face quest internet memes level 24 walkthrough
quickly tap the food repeatedly until the waiter replace the food
open it and tap to see batman beat him
troll face quest internet memes level 25 walkthrough
drag the socks on floor replacing the hammer
now tap it
return to all levels troll face quest internet memes walkthrough video guide