Walkthrough of Troll Face Quest Internet Memes Level 31 32 33 34 35 Solution – step by step escape guide how to solve each stage puzzle niveau using correct way to trick the troll face quest answer !
прохождение Troll Face Quest Internet Memes by Spil Games on android and ios iphone
troll face quest internet memes level 31 walkthrough
change the discount to 50% then drag the statue down to break it in half
tap the man on left
troll face quest internet memes level 32 walkthrough
enter : 0 = on calculator to see the earth explode
troll face quest internet memes level 33 walkthrough
just tap the man on left repeatedly until a pineapple cover his mouth
then tap him again to start dancing and win
troll face quest internet memes level 34 walkthrough
tap and hold the sys 32 folder then drag it to recycle bin
troll face quest internet memes level 35 walkthrough
tap the rubic cube once then pinch out to see a disco ball
tap it to win the game
return to all levels troll face quest internet memes walkthrough video guide