Answers of Troll Face Quest Internet Memes Level 16 17 18 19 20 Solution – step by step escape guide how to solve each stage puzzle niveau using correct way to trick the troll face quest answer !
прохождение Troll Face Quest Internet Memes by Spil Games on android and ios iphone
troll face quest internet memes level 16 walkthrough
swipe from bottom to top twice to switch and make the heads smaller
tap the screen to win the game
troll face quest internet memes level 17 walkthrough
tap the girls to make them move to right
now pinch out the girls to see a troll, tap him to dance then tap the screen to win the game
troll face quest internet memes level 18 walkthrough
tap and hold the scanner from man’s hand on right
drag it to the left poster then tap the monitor
troll face quest internet memes level 19 walkthrough
drag up to see a tentacles, then drag down to make it disappear
troll face quest internet memes level 20 walkthrough
drag the screen up to see a girl
tap the house a couple of times to make it burn and win the game
return to all levels troll face quest internet memes walkthrough video guide