What’s Inside The Box Level 81 82 83 84 85 Solution

By | June 25, 2016

Answer for What’s Inside The Box Level 81 82 83 84 85 Solution – solve each stage puzzle box to open the new bart bonte game : what’s inside the box? a box filled with puzzles, can you solve all 100 stage and discover what’s inside? find this app free on android google play and ios itunes.

what’s inside the box? level 81 walkthrough
create 81 using the lines

what’s inside the box? level 82 walkthrough
tilt your phones to move the invisible ball, when the button is lit you need to press the button

what’s inside the box? level 83 walkthrough
these are mirrored buttons, you need to change them into green

what’s inside the box? level 84 walkthrough
TILT! = change the lines on knob into TILT
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what’s inside the box? level 85 walkthrough
ne se ne se se nw = north-east, south-east, north-east, south-east, south-east, north-west
press these buttons : up right – down right – up right – down right 2x – up left

прохождение What’s inside the box? A lot of puzzles! Can you solve all 100 levels and discover what’s in the box? a Bart Bonte / bontegames puzzle game. return to list of what’s inside the box solutions all levels