What’s Inside The Box Level 76 77 78 79 80 Solution

By | June 25, 2016

Answers for What’s Inside The Box Level 76 77 78 79 80 Solution – solve each stage puzzle box to open the new bart bonte game : what’s inside the box? a box filled with puzzles, can you solve all 100 stage and discover what’s inside? find this app free on android google play and ios itunes.

what’s inside the box? level 76 walkthrough
lit all button in order 1-6 by tilting your phone to move the ball

what’s inside the box? level 77 walkthrough
mirrored numbers = 659

what’s inside the box? level 78 walkthrough
create line into 25 pattern

what’s inside the box? level 79 walkthrough
connect the number into 79

what’s inside the box? level 80 walkthrough
box box = change the line on buttons into 2 boxes
/ – \
| x |
\ – /

прохождение What’s inside the box? A lot of puzzles! Can you solve all 100 levels and discover what’s in the box? a Bart Bonte / bontegames puzzle game. return to list of what’s inside the box solutions all levels