River Crossing IQ Logic 11 Solution

By | June 21, 2016

Answers for River Crossing IQ Logic 11 Solution – Please help 3 man with 3 their bag of money to move to other side of the river. Note : if in anywhere the total money of the bag larger than total money owned by the man, the man will steal the money and escape. Your ultimate brain challenge puzzle game ! use logic to solve some troll question on each level ! Use our optimal answer cheat to see how to solve the puzzle logic game for every stage 🙂
River Crossing IQ – iMostMobile Tech,.JSC – Gamemost Windows Phone, iOS, Android

river crossing level 11 walkthrough
Help 3 men with 3 money bags move to the other side of the river
red = 8k$
blue = 3k$
yellow = 5k$
Rules :
If at any side of the river, the total amount of money in the ags is greater the total value of money owned by these men, the men will steal the money and escape.

here’s the answer how to solve river crossing iq logic 11 :
yellow man + 5$ bag cross the river – yellow man go back
red man + 3$ bag cross the river – red man go back
blue man + yellow man cross the river – blue man + 3$ bag go back
red man + 8$ bag cross the river – yellow man + 5$ bag go back
blue man + yellow man cross the river – red man go back
red man + 5$ bag cross the river – blue man go back
blue man + 3$ bag cross the river