Crossword Quiz Movies Level 10 Answers

By | April 24, 2016

Crossword Quiz Movies Level 10 Answers for all movies category solutions, solve the crossword unique puzzle that based on 3 types of clues : word descriptions riddle, emoji combinations, and photos pics ! complete more stage by finishing the previous level, if you stuck on some of the number and don’t have any coins to purchase hints.. then no need to look any further, because we’ve listed all the game answer including question and description so you can easily match with your square tiles.
Crossword Quiz game by Random Logic Games on android, ios (iphone, ipad, ipod) and amazon kindle

Crossword Quiz Movies Level 10 Answers
1 DOWN : 3 witch sisters are resurrected after a boy lights a candle = HOCUS POCUS
2 DOWN : emoji red circle + eyes + plane = RED EYE
3 ACROSS : Movie about a strange fugitive man who lives in a boat stuck high in a tree = MUD
4 DOWN : The first movie in a long series about a spy = DR NO
5 ACROSS : JGL plays a man who wants to find love but can’t quit his bad habit = DON JON
6 ACROSS : emoji detective + man woman = SPY KIDS
7 DOWN : emoji snowflake + squirrel + tiger + elephant = ICE AGE
8 DOWN : George Pemberton’s future is complicated after marrying his new wife = SERENA
9 ACROSS : Tragedy strikes a married couple on vacation in the Moroccan desert = BABEL
10 ACROSS : emoji rocket + basket ball = SPACE JAM

Reveal a single letter of a phrase. This is the perfect hint to use when the answer is on the very tip of your tongue! return to the complete list of crossword quiz movies answers list