100 Doors 2016 Level 16 17 18 19 20 Solution

By | December 1, 2015

Game Cheat of 100 Doors 2016 Level 16 17 18 19 20 Solution to solve the hard puzzle logic on each room and finish your 100 doors adventure using items, interactive movement or key code to open door !
100 Doors 2016 escape game by GIPNETIX Sp. Z.O.O. on android and ios (iphone, ipad, ipod)

100 doors 2016 level 16 walkthrough
get the pliers and use it to cut wire on left electric panel
you need to turn on the correct lamp color :
1. green
2. blue + green
3. red + blue + green

100 doors 2016 level 17 walkthrough
tap right wheel and quickly get key below left bell
use key to open door 17

100 doors 2016 level 18 walkthrough
create a shape on door using blue ball following the order from right direction :
triangle – vertical line – diamond – horizontal line – half triangle – square
press the button after you create each shape correctly

100 doors 2016 level 19 walkthrough
tap the square from small to big size in the correct order

100 doors 2016 level 20 walkthrough
move the life buoy and get the crowbar
use crowbar to get screwdriver on number 3
shake your phone to get the numbers fall
drag 9 to left and 6 to right
place screwdriver on bottom of each number then shake your phone

Move ahead by solving different logical problems and guessing riddles. Open doors, where new, even more intriguing levels are waiting for you.
return to all levels of 100 doors 2016 solutions list