Cheats of Troll Face Quest Video Memes Level 11 12 13 14 15 Solution – step by step walkthrough how to solve each stage puzzle niveau using correct way to escape each stage. Play with your favorite meme ! can you unlock all 40 levels with unique frustating gameplay ?
прохождение Troll Face Quest Video Memes by Spil Games on android and ios iphone
troll face quest video memes level 11 walkthrough
tap the trash can so the grumpy cat pop out with gun
drag down and up the man’s head
move both man’s hands up to hug the cat
tap the grumpy cat
troll face quest video memes level 12 walkthrough
tap the train door open
tap on the foot button then tap on the troll face button
troll face quest video memes level 13 walkthrough
drag the man down slowly until he can sit down on the purple toy
troll face quest video memes level 14 walkthrough
tap the blue dot on left several times, it’s a meteor
it will hit the wall and make a big hole
troll face quest video memes level 15 walkthrough
tap the buyer foot several times so he raps the song
return to all levels troll face quest video memes walkthrough video guide