Game walkthrough for Kami 2 Daily Challenge By Yoolianna August 12 2017 Solution how to solve puzzle by choosing correct color and make the page in 1 colour in the target number of moves to get a perfect game ! Kami 2 takes you on a mind-twisting journey that combines logic and problem-solving.
KAMI 2 Journey Pack Game By State of Play Games on iOS iphone / ipad and android
kami 2 daily challenge by Yoolianna solution :
kami 2 august 12 2017 walkthrough :
step 1. dark blue on bottom right light blue
step 2. green on dark blue
step 3. dark blue on green
step 4. light blue on dark blue
step 5. dark blue on light blue
step 6. light blue on dark blue
step 7. green on light blue
step 8. white on green
step 9. dark blue on white
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