Game Solution for CodyCross Under The Sea Group 22 Puzzle 5 Answers – a new crossword game Cody Cross with objective to complete the puzzle crossword on each level stage by finding all the answers and get the secret word ! complete hundreds of levels, explore themed worlds, share your journey with friends and travel through earth and beyond !
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CodyCross Under The Sea Group 22 Puzzle 5 Answers
Tube used to breathe underwater : Snorkel
Bright purple-red, not fuchsia : Magenta
Occurs in a specific region or population : Endemic
Eel-shaped, slime producing fish : Hagfish
Walt __, American poet : Whitman
Set of kettledrums in an orchestra : Timpani
Eating these can help fight depression : Bananas
Not up to __ = unsatisfactory : Scratch
Home of the Queen Elizabeth : England
People who are able to break into computers : Hackers
TV show about a family in Renaissance Italy : Borgias
Sonar and laser are example of this : Acronym
Secret Word Cheat : Reef Manta Ray
Can you help Cody through his adventure around the world ? Use your knowledge and skills in a one-of-a-kind word game, where every correct answer takes you closer to completing the puzzle and revealing the secret word!