Game Solution for CodyCross Planet Earth Group 6 Puzzle 5 Answers – a new crossword game Cody Cross with objective to complete the puzzle crossword on each level stage by finding all the answers and get the secret word ! complete hundreds of levels, explore themed worlds, share your journey with friends and travel through earth and beyond !
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CodyCross Planet Earth Group 6 Puzzle 5 Answers
Section of a computer code that is usable : Script
Place for relaxation, rest, vacation : Resort
Item dropped into the water to hold a boat in place : Anchor
To go to an event, listen, watch : Attend
Someone who analyzes and evaluates something : Critic
Small bones in the foot : Tarsal
__ Camus, contributed to the philosophy of absurdism : Albert
Seven Minutes in __, teenage party game in a closet : Heaven
Small amount of something that exemplifies the whole : Sample
Stevie Wonder hit, My __ Amour : Cherie
Timmy __ has fairy godparents : Turner
WC : Toilet
Part of a garment used to store small items : Pcoket
Next to Kenya, Congo, and Sudan : Uganda
Secret Word Cheat : Central America
Can you help Cody through his adventure around the world ? Use your knowledge and skills in a one-of-a-kind word game, where every correct answer takes you closer to completing the puzzle and revealing the secret word!